Books and sources

The dance of the Vajra” by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, Arcidosso, Italy, Published by Shang Shung Foundation, 2015, 345 p.

The Wayward Daughter; La Fille Mal Gardée” A Comedy Ballet

The emperors of China“. by Chrsitopher Hibbert , Amsterdam, Published by TIME-LIFE, 1982.

“Message from Tibet through songs and dances” by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, Arcidosso, Italy, Published by Shang Shung Edizioni, 2014, 643 p.

“Les danses sacrées en Chine” Anthologie by Max Kaltenmark; aux Editions du Seuil, 1963

“Flying dragon and Dancing Phoenix – An Introduction to selected Chinese Minority Folk Dances” by Chen Weiye, Ji Lanwei and Ma Wei, Published by New World Press, 1987

“The History Of Chinese Dance – Traditional Chinese Arts and Culture” by Wang Kefen, Published by Foreign Languages Press, 1985

“Histoire de la dance chinoise – Art et Culture traditionnels chinois” by Wang Kefen Published by Foreign Languages Press, 1988

“Ancient China – Great ages of man” by Edward H. Schafer Published by Tine-Life books, 1968

“La Chine Ancienne – Les Grandes Epoques de l’Homme” by Edward H. Schafer Published by Tine-Life books, 1977

“Chinese Art” by Finlay Mackenzie Published by Spring Books London , 1961

“Library of nations – China” Published by Time Life Books, Amsterdam, 1984